Retail Fuel & Convenience

VIVA Energy Ardeer Pump Replacement Program (PRP)

VIVA Energy Ardeer Pump Replacement Program (PRP) featured image
  • Client
    VIVA Energy Pty Ltd
  • Role
    Client-Side Project Manager
  • Partners
    Premium Fuel Installation
  • Value

About the Project

VIVA Ardeer engaged SwitchCo to manage a PRP optimisation program to enhance their product offering to the customer.


To provide additional value to their customers, VIVA Energy engaged SwitchCo to manage their pump replacement program at their service station in Ardeer, Victoria. The overall objective of the project was to offer the customer every product at every pump position on the forecourt, increasing their offer to the customer and ensuring whichever position they attended under the canopy, the customers required fuel grade was available. It also sought to modernise the fuelling infrastructure by replacing older pumps with newer, more efficient ones. The project was completed between October and December in 2022.


SwitchCo mitigated several challenges throughout the project, including the impact of the project works on other tenancies on site. This included general disruption, reduced parking, and direct closure of one part of one tenancy. Vehicle traffic paths were greatly reduced during construction, and multiple supervised deliveries were required. SwitchCo managed this challenge through early stakeholder engagement and frequent, clear communication, ensuring that all parties had their expectations managed and their needs met.


The project was completed successfully, with the upgraded pumps offering more options to customers at all positions on the forecourt. This improved offer to the customer resulted in greater income for the client, achieving their goal. To deliver the project successfully, SwitchCo meticulously planned and executed stages of work, employed dedicated stakeholder management processes, and communicated frequently with all parties, enabling strong relationships to be maintained, and even resolving existing maintenance issues that were outside our own scope of works.


"The commitment to excellence from SwitchCo is truly inspiring…Viva is fortunate to have a dedicated team at SwitchCo."
— Danny Fajloun, Viva Energy