Toll Group Burnie Container Terminal Upgrades

Toll Group
Client-side Project Manager
Stubbs Constructions Pty Ltd
Progress Switchboards
About the Project
SwitchCo were engaged as Project Managers to deliver a $10M upgrade to Toll’s Burnie terminal. The scope of works included increased refrigerated container (reefer) freight capacity, electrical infrastructure upgrades, new HV switch-rooms and substations, new LV switchboards and new reefer outlets around the terminal. Whilst works were ongoing, additional scope was added, this included a new canopy over the existing diesel re-fuelling station and replacing lighting towers with new towers and new LED luminaries.
SwitchCo’s major challenge during the works was to ensure that the programme was progressing on schedule with the added difficulty of testing ground conditions due to unknown existing services and soil types. Due to the works being completed on a live site, communication between Toll, Contractors and SwitchCo was key in making sure that Toll’s business operation was not impeded and works could be completed within the allocated time line.
In order to achieve the required client outcome, SwitchCo constantly facilitated good planning and coordination between the contractor and Toll personnel, whilst also establishing clear procedures to ensure Toll personnel were informed of upcoming high risk activities from the contractor. Through this communication all risks and works were completed in a timely fashion.