Retail Fuel & Convenience
Starbucks Chirnside Park New Build

Geomax Capital Pty Ltd
Retail Fuel & Convenience
The Retail Group
4Site -
About the Project
Our client engaged us to increase the potential of his existing parcel of land by adding in a new Starbucks café with a convenient drive-thru facility, to an already operational 7-Eleven service station site. SwitchCo managed the project from the initial permit stage through to completion, overseeing complex infrastructure requirements throughout, and ensuring the finished café integrated seamlessly with the service station.
SwitchCo navigated a series of challenges throughout the project, including sewer connection services, subgrade issues and traffic management for the works on a site where the main tenant, 7-Eleven, remained operational for majority of the works.
Project timeline was also challenging with electrical services requiring the most coordination, which caused some delays to the project completion.
Throughout the project, SwitchCo was conscious of minimising the disruption to the existing 7-Eleven service station. To mitigate this issue, works were coordinated around the 3-day electrical shutdown where possible, which saved downtime costs. These works included crossover road works with clever drainage design playing its part, as well as other landlord required electrical works at the 7-Eleven tenancy.
SwitchCo also guided the client through some unexpected cost challenges related to ground works and as always, were highly conscious of the client’s budget, who was immensely grateful to SwitchCo for creating this cost saving.
Overall, the client was very satisfied with SwitchCo and our delivery of the new Starbucks drive-thru café.